The Odyssey XV-XVI on Core Curriculum

The latest episode of Core Curriculum’s journey through the Odyssey has arrived! In this episode my friend Jay Eldred hosts Michial Farmer and me in a talk through books XV and XVI.

In these books of the Odyssey, Telemachus returns to Ithaca from his search for his father; Odysseus, incognito, begins to scope out the members of his household; and father and son reunite. Along the way, Jay, Michial, and I talk about fathers real and substitute; what Helen’s parting gift to Telemachus may or may not mean, the swineherd Eumaeus’s tragic backstory and his reconciliation to his fate, the finely observed details of Homer’s poem, its recurring theme of hospitality, and even country novelty singer Ray Stevens. This was a fun episode, and I hope y’all enjoy listening.

You can listen to Core Curriculum by subscribing on iTunes, Stitcher, and other fine podcasting platforms. You can look at this episode’s shownotes, including links to the relevant Ray Stevens songs, on the Christian Humanist Radio Network’s site here. Subscribe to the show—and the other shows on the CHRN—so you can catch up on previous episodes of Core Curriculum and won’t miss future episodes.

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