Ancient Racist Aliens on the Sectarian Review

Last month I posted some thoughts on the implicit, and sometimes not so implicit, racism of the assumptions behind ancient astronaut theories of the kind peddled by authors Erich von Däniken and Zechariah Sitchin and, most recently and popularly, by the History Channel via the series “Ancient Aliens.” That post got a lot of traffic, including my friend Danny Anderson of the Sectarian Review podcast. Danny read and enjoyed it and suggested we discuss the post itself and the broader implications—and dangers—of ancient astronauts theories.

That episode dropped today. Joining us is David Grubbs of the Christian Humanist Podcast, whom you might remember from our discussion of CS Lewis’s Space Trilogy on City of Man earlier this year.

Between the three of us we have enough interest in the “weird and old” to sustain a spirited and fun discussion of ancient astronauts, racism old and new, the mystery of existence, and good old fashioned chronological snobbery. I had a great time and hope y’all will enjoy this as much as we did.

The Sectarian Review is a show on the Christian Humanist Radio Network. You can listen to the episode via iTunes, Stitcher, and other fine podcasting platforms, or via the MixCloud player embedded below. Be sure to subscribe for future episodes, and dig through Danny’s extensive back catalog. You can read the blog post that inspired our episode here or at the link in the first paragraph above. Take a look at Danny’s shownotes for the episode here. And be sure to visit the Christian Humanist Radio Network’s site and Facebook page for more.

Thanks for listening. Hope y’all enjoy!